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One Step at a Time

Transgender, non-binary, and gender-expansive students are disproportionately targeted for teasing, bullying,
harassment, and physical violence. NJSD staff must consistently confront and report suspected bullying or
other behaviors that contribute to an unsafe school community. This may include name-calling, misgendering,
micro-aggressions, and bullying based on gender stereotypes, gender identity, and/or gender expression.
The district is responsible for providing a safe and supportive environment for all students. To help meet this
responsibility, the District has created a student anti-bullying policy and a bullying policy to protect staff. Discrimination, bullying, and harassment on the basis of gender identity and/or gender expression is prohibited in the District. Any form of harassment and bullying will be addressed pursuant to Policy 5517 - Student Anti-Harassment and Policy 5517.01 – Anti-Bullying. You can find more information on student anti-bullying at the link below. More information is available under the
“Policies and Laws” section above.

Girls at Recess
Safety and Bullying: Service
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