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Supportive Friend

Mental Wellbeing & EAP

Navigating COVID-19 has been stressful for staff. Fear and anxiety about a new disease and what could happen can be overwhelming and cause strong emotions. Public health actions, such as social distancing, can make people feel isolated and lonely and can increase stress and anxiety. Adjusting to a digital role has created added stress and uncertainty. Coping with stress in a healthy way will make you, the people you care about, and your community stronger

Mental Wellbeing: Resources

Managing Difficult Emotions During Uncertain Times

The NJSD Employee Assistance Program with ERC presented a webinar for staff preparing for Rocket Re-Entry. This webinar provides tips and suggestions for coping with our emotions during this transition time. In addition to this helpful information, a question and answer session was included as well. Click the link to watch the one-hour recorded webinar.


This is your Resources Article. It’s a great place to update your visitors and clients about industry news, practical tips, or publish announcements about your business and services. Informational articles can be a great way to position yourself as an authority in your field, and to keep visitors engaged. Choose a great image or video to feature in your article, and keep it interesting so readers will read till the very end.

Amwell Behavioral Health

Did you know that 50% of people with mental health conditions in Wisconsin do not access treatment? At WEA Trust, we believe that mental health is just as important as physical health.
With the addition of online therapy to our Amwell platform, now you can have video-based therapy visits to treat common mental health conditions. From chronic concerns such as depression and anxiety to recent adjustment disorders caused by events such as grief or divorce, Amwell online therapy ensures you have affordable and easy access to the care you need.

CDC Mental Health Resources

This is your Resources Article. It’s a great place to update your visitors and clients about industry news, practical tips, or publish announcements about your business and services. Informational articles can be a great way to position yourself as an authority in your field, and to keep visitors engaged. Choose a great image or video to feature in your article, and keep it interesting so readers will read till the very end.

Mental Health America Information

This is your Resources Article. It’s a great place to update your visitors and clients about industry news, practical tips, or publish announcements about your business and services. Informational articles can be a great way to position yourself as an authority in your field, and to keep visitors engaged. Choose a great image or video to feature in your article, and keep it interesting so readers will read till the very end.

NAMI COVID Resources

This is your Resources Article. It’s a great place to update your visitors and clients about industry news, practical tips, or publish announcements about your business and services. Informational articles can be a great way to position yourself as an authority in your field, and to keep visitors engaged. Choose a great image or video to feature in your article, and keep it interesting so readers will read till the very end.

Mental Wellbeing: Resources
Business Meeting

Additional Resources

Mental Wellbeing: Resources
Stressed Woman
Woman Meditating
Fries and Smiles

Communicating Your Needs and Feelings with Your Employer

The workplace changes as a result of the pandemic are new to everyone and will continue to evolve. Just like the many changes everyone has adjusted to so far, it will take time and effort to adapt to the ‘new’ work physical environment. Employers want to keep their workforce safe and healthy and they are aware that they should help relate to and support employees in a more empathetic, humanitarian manner. It is up to the employees, however, to ensure they are responsibly communicating with their managers/supervisors so that employers have the opportunity to offer appropriate tools and support.

Reframing Thoughts: Find The Positive

The human mind has an aspect of ego which is our personality's way of relating in the external world. Many times the ego is the chatter of voice in your head that speaks to you negatively and drums up negative thoughts. You can choose to allow your own awareness and your own heart to lead instead. An incredibly effective way to make this choice is to reframe. negative thoughts and mind chatter. Here are some ideas on how to do so from WELCOA.

Mindfulness Enhances Resilience

To be mindful is to be present; to be aware of and control your experience. The beauty of mindfulness is that it is universal, practical, and requires little to no resources. With practice, mindfulness becomes a mental habit, like music memory. Embody your awareness in the present moment to increase resilience, allowing you to bounce back from obstacles, disappointments, and setbacks. Develop mindfulness and meditation practices or routines that fulfill your longing for a more balanced healthy outlook and connection to. self. Here are some tips to get you started.

Emotional Awareness

Managing emotions and feelings of fear, anxiety, grief, or dress is not always easy. By becoming more aware and going within we can learn to truly feel the range of emotions available to us as humans. This module, provided by Wellness Councils of America, will discuss ways to help you boost your emotional intelligence, allowing you to manage your own emotions in positive ways.

(920) 751-6800 Ext.10131

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