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NJSD Staff Resources

Navigating wellness during uncertain times

As a Wellness Coordinator, my goal is to support staff wellbeing during this time of uncertainty and change. Together with the Healthy You Champions and District Mental Health Coordinator, we will provide resources and information pertaining to the COVID-19 response.

Home: Welcome

Wellness Champions

Your Go-To Contact for Wellness Needs

The Healthy You Champions are volunteer NJSD staff members who are housed in every building in the District. The Champs serves as the go-to person for all wellness-related needs in your building, including uncertainty surrounding re-entry. Champs will direct you to the appropriate information, leadership, or wellness resources to address your ever-changing questions and concerns.

Home: About
Support Group

Staff Resource Topics

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Home: Resources

Financial Wellbeing

Financial Resources to get through Covid-19. Find out how to get emergency financial help from the government if you've been affected by the coronavirus pandemic or a natural disaster. Get help with food, housing, bills, and more. Learn about stimulus checks and read what's included in the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act.

Simple Self-Care Habits

During this time of change and transitions, it is important to put on your own oxygen mask first. As educators, parents, friends, and co-workers, it is often difficult to put our own needs before others. We know that our productivity, success, and resilience is at the highest level when we take care of our own wellbeing. Find out how you can focus on your needs to be your best for your students, family and co-workers.

Mental Wellbeing & EAP

Navigating COVID-19 has been stressful for staff. Fear and anxiety about a new disease and what could happen can be overwhelming and cause strong emotions. Public health actions, such as social distancing, can make people feel isolated and lonely and can increase stress and anxiety. Adjusting to a digital role has created added stress and uncertainty. Coping with stress in a healthy way will make you, the people you care about, and your community stronger

Child Care Resources

Family is important in the Neenah Joint School District and during this time, it can be difficult to find quality, safe, and dependable child care. As we navigate the various re-entry scenarios, we want to provide resources to ensure your children are taken care of.

District Safety Guidelines

As we prepare to return to our buildings, we want to ensure the safety of our staff and students. The District has prepared safety guidelines which can be viewed here.

Health and Medical Information

Staff and their families have access to the onsite Health and Wellness Center at Shattuck Middle School. We want to provide up-to-date medical resources regarding COVID-19 as we navigate this process.


District Wellness Program

410 S. Commercial St.

(920) 751-6800 Ext.10131

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Home: Contact

(920) 751-6800 Ext.10131

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